Football Training 4 – Switch the Play and Create More Space

Posted on: July 27th, 2011 | by Flaviu | No Comments

Last Updated on: 21st August 2023, 04:49 pm

Object Of The Training Session – Teach your players to have the confidence to switch the play from one side of the pitch to the other with accuracy and intensity, progressing the practice into a drill and ultimately a game situation.

Practicing The Skill – Players 1 and 2 face each other, about the full width of a pitch, with the third player positioned in between. Player 1 accurately passes the ball to player 3 who lays it off with his first touch for player 1 to pass and follow the ball to player 2. The second player receives the ball and with his second touch, plays a long-range pass to the other side of the pitch where player 3 will now be positioned. The sequence continues and the drill is repeated as shown in the diagram below.

Switch The Play And Create More Attacking Space For Your Team

Developing The Drill – Player 1 starts with the ball at one side of the pitch and plays a long ball to player 2 who is positioned on the other side. Player 2 plays a 10-meter pass and moves behind the third player who passes the ball down the line, into space for player 2 to run onto and deliver a cross. Player 1 who initially started the drill tries to meet the cross to score. Player 3 moves to where the second player was positioned and the fourth person repeats the drill by continuing the sequence as shown in the diagram below.

Switch The Play And Create More Attacking Space For Your Team

Moving The Drill Into A More Realistic Game Situation – This drill is the same as above, but with the introduction of defenders. Players 6, 7 and 8 are the defenders as shown in the diagram. Player 8 starts in between the first 2 players to try and stop player 2 from passing to player 3. The seventh player marks player 3 and tries to stop him from playing player 2 into space to deliver a cross. The sixth player is the central defender whose aim is to prevent player 1 from scoring. The fourth person repeats the drill by continuing the sequence as shown in the diagram below.

Switch The Play And Create More Attacking Space For Your Team

Game Situation – Finish with a  normal game on a full-size pitch if possible, encouraging your players to switch the play between wings when appropriate.

PENDLE VERDICT – Just be careful with the first drill that players do not work too hard between football cones. The focus should be on the accuracy of the pass rather than the intensity at this stage.

YOUR VERDICT – What do you think?


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