Evasion Belt Drills | Football Evasion Belt

Posted on: November 22nd, 2019 | by Laura Murdoch | No Comments

Last Updated on: 15th July 2024, 12:00 pm

This week we’re looking at evasion belt drills that can help your teams. In previous posts, we’ve covered agility ladders, hurdles, football cones and markers, and football rebounders. A breakaway belt is a fantastic piece of football training equipment that can help with a player’s evasive speed. Players must be able to outmanoeuvre their opponent so they need to move quickly and react faster. An evasion belt is a simple training aid that helps develop the skills required to do this.

Evasion belt drill

Pendle Evasion Belt

At Pendle, we offer a great selection of equipment to help your team develop their skills. We offer the best equipment possible so you can be sure it’s all top quality. We’re also committed to keeping our prices competitive and our evasion belts are no different. You can purchase them individually but we have a great deal so you save even more money. Buy 6 evasion belts and get a carry pouch to keep them all in. This makes transporting and storing your football training aids even easier. At Pendle prices, there’s no reason not to get your hands on a few.

How it works

The evasion belt pits two players against each other in a head-to-head. It’s a fun way to improve agility, lateral movement, and foot speed. You can create some great one-on-one drills that will help with your training. Particularly for distance training, mirroring and marking, and multi-directional quickness drills.

The set comes with two adjustable belts attached by a cord. The cord is attached using Velcro which can be ripped apart easily. Two players wear a belt each and the cord connects them. The aim is for one of the players to evade their opponent and rip the cord apart.

How it can help

An evasion belt is a great way to bring healthy competition to your training sessions while developing key skills. It can be used in numerous ways depending on what you want to focus on.

Pack of 3 evasion belts and bag


Speed is one of the key skills that all players should focus on. This includes foot speed and speed across greater distances. Quick foot training goes hand-in-hand with balance and coordination. Speed in small spaces helps increase a player’s agility and ability to evade opponents.

Speed across long distances is necessary for long runs down the pitch and it helps footballers beat their opponents to the ball. It’s a key skill for all players and should be a regular focus. No matter how good a player is with the ball, they must be quick to beat their opponents. Otherwise, they won’t get the chance to show off their agility.

Include some evasion belt drills that focus on speed and acceleration. If two players are connected using the belt, the aim could be for the lead player to try to work up enough speed to break the connection.


Agility is another key area for development in your football training. It’s linked to how quickly a player can change direction without affecting their balance. The focus should be on making quick and fluid changes in direction. Agility is the thing that is going to help you get past a defender. If you can’t quickly change direction you’ll never get behind them. Your aim should be to affect their balance without messing up your own.

This is where an evasion belt comes in very handy. You can make training drills as simple or as complicated as you like. Attach two players using the belt. One will be the attacker and the other the defender. It’s the attacker’s job to break the connection and the defender’s job to break it. You could have the lead player set off and then try to outmanoeuvre their opponent or you could set up other equipment to help.

For example, set up a box made out of cones. The lead player should move towards the cones in a random order in the hope of leaving their opponent behind. Or, set your cones out in a line and shuffle between them. Change direction every so often in the hope of losing your defender.


To be a great defender, you need to be agile. Focus on agility so you can keep up with your opponents. You need to be able to follow them when they quickly change direction without losing your balance. The key is staying on your toes and reacting as quickly as possible. Evasion belts can help defenders practice sticking with an opponent. They have to stick with the other player otherwise the belt will come apart.

Using an evasion belt is a good way to get your defenders looking for signs of movement. They need to be able to pick up on anything that might indicate where a player is going before they make their move. In these evasion belt drills, the defender needs to focus on what their opponent is doing as much as they need to focus on what they are doing.

Pendle Sportswear Evasion Belt On Grass

Evasion Belt Drills

An evasion belt is an easy-to-use piece of equipment that can be used in many ways. All you need is a bit of imagination. Using an evasion belt can help replicate in-game situations in a fun and challenging way. Create games that promote healthy competition between pairs and ensure everyone gets the most out of their training.

For some ideas on how to use your evasion belt, check out the videos below.

Get your own

Now you know which evasion belt drills you want to include, you’ll want to grab a few. Head to our website to get your hands on our unmissable deals.

Get my evasion belt button

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